Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Top 100: The Top Ten

#10. The Cabinet Of Dr. Calguri
Started the horror genre, with a fucking twisted silent film that's scarier then 90% of what's being made now.

#9. Atom-Age Vampire
Awesome movie. That's all I can say awesome movie. I found it at Wal-Greens for a buck and it's become one of my favorite movies.

#8. Friday The 13th
Started the whole slasher camp films. so good, brings tears of laughter to your eyes.

#7. A Nightmare On Elm Street
THe original Freddy was much better then the retelling. He should be mocking us in our dreams. not scaring before he kills. it's not scary anymore.

#6. The Exorcist
That theme song will still send chills up a catholic preists spine.

#5. Dawn Of The Dead

#4. Wizard oF Gore
HGL again. This film was so good, and is so good that even it's remake is impossible to find. if you do find either version, watch it. in other words, start searching dickweed.

#3. Hellraiser
The (film) first appearence of one of the ultimate faces in horror, Clive Barker. This man could shit, and you'd be fucking frightened. PINHEAD!

#2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Fuck the goddamn remake. TObe Hooper and Kim Henkel spent a hell in Texas for this movie, and you better damn well like it. The more recognized horror film of all time. It will still hold up in forty years. Leatherface is awesome.

#1. Cannibal Holocaust

Top 100 (29-11)

#29. August Underground
Oh My God. Simulated snuff film. Hard to find but fucking awesome.

#28. The Machinist
If you can find it, give it a chance. Will scare the shit out of any insomniac.

#27. Pyscho
Norman Bates truly starts the slasher sub-genre. First film to ever have a toilet flushing. (interesting, huh.)

#26. Let's Scare Jennifer To Death
Go watch it, for your own sake. Please, I'm trying to save you

#25. Guniea Pig: Flowers Of Flesh And Blood
Is it real? No. But Charlie Sheen thought it was and called the FBI. Winning!

#24. Ju-On
America ruins so many great things. This film was one of them.

#23. Godzilla
A giant lizard destroys tokyo. FUCK YES

#22. King Kong
A giant monkey destroys NYC.EVEN MORE FUCK YES

#21. The Shining
Jack Nicholson NAILS it. and hits it with an axe...and a bat....and no work and no play makes jack a dull boy. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

#20. Freddy Vs. Jason
Not scary, but a mashup of greats. Like so many before it. Where's the sequel to that timeline?

#19. DOA
GORE GORE GORE GORE GORE. AN eyeball is swallowed! Peter Jackson, you used to be cool.

#18. Pan's Labrinth
Sub-titled smart horror. Will fuck with the head, badly.

#17. Night Of The Living Dead.
SIngle-handedly changed zombie films, until it's sequel came out...

#16. Night OF The Demons
Good fun. Remade with Edward Furlong. Which is always a plus. Awesome under-rated films.

#15. The Thing
John Carpentor's greatest horror. Alien in Antartica. Wat you gonna do? BURN IT THE FUCK UP!

#14. Christine
Best of the ultra-rare demon car films.

#13. The Hills Have Eyes
Pluto and Jupiter will take on whole new meanings after viewing the original of this.

#12. The Howling
Best werewolf film out there. Okay, not better then An American Werewolf in London. But I like it better so fuck off, make your own damn list.

#11. Cannibal Ferox
It misses out on the top ten, because I said so. But still fucking awesome flick.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Top 100 (#49-30)

#49. Behind The Mask
Freddy. Jason. Micheal. We all need somebody to look up to. And the fucking main character looks up to those three. Good slasher fun.

#48. Hatchet
Independent film. Rave reviews. Spawned a sequel. Slasher flick for the next generation.

#47. Critters
Funny horror. Almost more of a comedy but still as it's moments.

#46. Dracula
THe universal film. Bela Lugosi is awesome has the count.

#45. Population 436
A town with a population that never changes. Investigation leads to cults and murder. good film.

#44. 2000 Maniacs
Herschell Gordon Lewis is a god among men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

#43. The Human Centipede
Some of us will yell blasphemy. FUck you, it's my list. Besides the classics are better.

#42. Dead Snow
Nazi Zombies? Yea. High number of Evil Dead jokes? Yea.

#41. Friday The 13th part 3
Jason gets his mask. And it was made in 3-D! In the '80's!

#40. The Lost Boys
Corey and Corey are BFF's! Keifer will eat you! Awesome!

#39. 28 Days Later
What makes it more terrifying is the possibilty that something like RAGE infection could happen any time now.

#38. Session 9
Hard to come by. If you do find it, check it out. It's a pretty good mind-fuck.

#37. Wishmaster
Djinn. Evil genie. Think aladdin if the genie killed him. Now that would have been an awesome disney film.

#36. Audition
It will confuse you if you watch it the first after reading this. First part is all romantic comedy bullshit. BUt then it turns into this sick torture film.

#35. 120 of Sodom
Find it. Somewhere and give it a go. It will definitly destroy all your notions of disturbing.

#34. Faces of Death
Laughable now, sure. We see death all the time. But when that came out, it really fucked with people. Not really horror, but it belongs here nonethe less.

#33. The Last HOuse On The Left.
Fun Fact: Wes Craven originally got an X rating. He stole 'R' signs from other films and put them on his posters.

#32. Halloween
John Carpentor creates The Face of Slasher Halloween films.

#31. Saw
Every sequel sucked. Hell, the first one sucked, but it brought Horror back in a fuckin' huge way!

#30. The Exorcism of Emily Rose
Read all the facts before you step in. It's good for a possesion film.


Why is the film industry so intent on taking classic films and reimagining them. The horror genre especially gets nailed with the remakes and re-tellings. I for one say fuck em all. If it's a classic, leave it the fuck alone! For every good remake, there's forty more that suck balls. I'm not going to lie, I'm always interested in them, and usually I'm utterly disappointed by them.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake pretty much made it okay for film producers to stop coming up with original stories. Nothing can beat Tobe Hooper's masterpeice but Micheal Bay ( a former director of shitty music videos) decided to make it again. Why? Because he knew it was worth cash. And a shit ton of it. I haven't found one person who enjoyed the remake has much has the original film.
Coming soon to the remake club is Hellraiser...that's right, fucking Hellraiser. Possibly a huge contendet for greatest horror film of all time and some assholes are going to remake it. NO! I for one am boycotting the shit out of that film. Join me and tell producers and directors and "writers" that we are fucking tired of remakes. KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF.

Top 100 (#69-#50)

#69. Teeth
The most horrifying film to any male. Vagina's got teeth and it will eat your weiner

#68. May
Don't have any friends? Kill people and build one out of their flesh.

#67. Grave Mistake
Very little known zombie film. Low-budget actually helped it out though.

#66. Child's Play 2
Chucky's back. Campy fun. Better than the first one, but still pretty awful. Killer doll's are easy to kill.

#65. Puppet Master
Funny, but also somewhat weird. Very good film.

#64. Suspira
I still don't have any idea what actually happened in this film.

#63. The Serpent and The Rainbow
Go die, then wake up, Based on actual cases in Voodoo culture. That's what makes it scary

#62. The Omen
Sorry lady, your kid, damien? Yea, he's the antichrist. You bitch! Spawning satan's creation!

#61. Zombi
Italian horror. Lucio, your the fucking man.

#60. When A Stranger Calls
THe original. stay away from the remake. Scared any teenage girl who babysat. Now you know the dangers of watching some kids.

#59. Scanners
A head blows up! Need I say more?

#58. The Amityville Horror
Either the original or the remake. Their both good ghost fests.

#57. Nosferatu
The black and white version is so good. And it still stands up today.

#56. Happy Birthday
I rented this based on the cover. AWESOME FILM.

#55. Frankenstein
Universal was in their hey-day. This movie was actually scary back then. Even today it has it's moments. If you haven't seen it, go watch it now.

#54. Pumpkinhead
Demon. Murders. People. Fucking cool!

#53. The Scarecrow
A T.V. Movie. Was finally released for dvd not too long ago. Definitly check it out.

#52. Cujo
St. Bernard's are fucked up when they get bit by bat's in a hole in the ground. Goddamn.

#51. Planet Terror
Robert Rodriguez directs this kickass zombie/infection film. Gore galore.

#50. American Crime
Good film. Very good film and a good twist for once.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Top 100 (79-70)

#79. Shocker
Wes Craven, once again. Electric chair proves to not do it's job.

#78. Resident Evil
Good if your not familiar with capcom's game. Otherwise not so good, but it does have a few moments.

#77. IT
Stephen King's book comes to life with Tim Curry playing Pennywise. Millions of children cry and develop fear of clowns.

#76. The Wicker Man
The original one. FUck the remake. Go find the original and watch it. So good. Cult

#75. Sleepaway Camp
What was it about the 80's that brought summer camp to murder? It doesn't matter, it's always fun. this film has the MOST FUCKED UP ENDING! EVER!

#74. The Sixth Sense
You can only watch it once.

#73. Return of The Living Dead
Beauitful tribute to Romero's trilogy. And funny too!

#72. Final Destination
You can't escape death. You just can't. It will hunt you down, kill you and kill all your friends.

#71. Children Of The COrn
Children In Your Corn? Careful, they might be relegious fanatics who beleive in a corn god. Laughable speacial effects.

#70. Leprachaun

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Horror Genre's

There's many types of horror. These are called 'sub-genres'.

Slasher-Your murder film. Good old gore and death. (examples: Friday The 13th, Halloween, Scream)

Zombies-Possibly one of the biggest sub-genres. Especially in recent years. (examples: Night Of The Living Dead, Return of The Living Dead, Last of The Living,)

Vampires-Not those fuckups from Tweenlight. Real ones that will drink your blood and snap your spine. (examples: Dracula, Nosferatu, 30 Days Of Night)

Monsters-NOt really seen very often anymore but back in Universal's heyday, they were fucking everywhere (examples: Frankenstein, The Wolfman, The Howling, Cloverfeild, King Kong)

Ghosts-Used to be that haunting films were everywhere. Now they still are, but they suck most of the time. (examples: Paranormal Activity, The Haunting Of Molly Hartley, Death of A Ghost Hunter)

Demonic-Big range here from demon children to Satan himself. (examples: The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, The Excorsist, The 13th Child)

Disturbing Films-THe holy grail of horror. There's not many, but when you find them, you fucking know you found them. (examples: The Guinea Pig Series, August Underground Series, Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox)

Unclassifiable-THese are the legend films that have surpasses genres and have been placed alone. (examples: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Evil Dead)