Sunday, March 27, 2011

Horror Genre's

There's many types of horror. These are called 'sub-genres'.

Slasher-Your murder film. Good old gore and death. (examples: Friday The 13th, Halloween, Scream)

Zombies-Possibly one of the biggest sub-genres. Especially in recent years. (examples: Night Of The Living Dead, Return of The Living Dead, Last of The Living,)

Vampires-Not those fuckups from Tweenlight. Real ones that will drink your blood and snap your spine. (examples: Dracula, Nosferatu, 30 Days Of Night)

Monsters-NOt really seen very often anymore but back in Universal's heyday, they were fucking everywhere (examples: Frankenstein, The Wolfman, The Howling, Cloverfeild, King Kong)

Ghosts-Used to be that haunting films were everywhere. Now they still are, but they suck most of the time. (examples: Paranormal Activity, The Haunting Of Molly Hartley, Death of A Ghost Hunter)

Demonic-Big range here from demon children to Satan himself. (examples: The Omen, Rosemary's Baby, The Excorsist, The 13th Child)

Disturbing Films-THe holy grail of horror. There's not many, but when you find them, you fucking know you found them. (examples: The Guinea Pig Series, August Underground Series, Cannibal Holocaust, Cannibal Ferox)

Unclassifiable-THese are the legend films that have surpasses genres and have been placed alone. (examples: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Evil Dead)

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