Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Top 100 (29-11)

#29. August Underground
Oh My God. Simulated snuff film. Hard to find but fucking awesome.

#28. The Machinist
If you can find it, give it a chance. Will scare the shit out of any insomniac.

#27. Pyscho
Norman Bates truly starts the slasher sub-genre. First film to ever have a toilet flushing. (interesting, huh.)

#26. Let's Scare Jennifer To Death
Go watch it, for your own sake. Please, I'm trying to save you

#25. Guniea Pig: Flowers Of Flesh And Blood
Is it real? No. But Charlie Sheen thought it was and called the FBI. Winning!

#24. Ju-On
America ruins so many great things. This film was one of them.

#23. Godzilla
A giant lizard destroys tokyo. FUCK YES

#22. King Kong
A giant monkey destroys NYC.EVEN MORE FUCK YES

#21. The Shining
Jack Nicholson NAILS it. and hits it with an axe...and a bat....and no work and no play makes jack a dull boy. all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.

#20. Freddy Vs. Jason
Not scary, but a mashup of greats. Like so many before it. Where's the sequel to that timeline?

#19. DOA
GORE GORE GORE GORE GORE. AN eyeball is swallowed! Peter Jackson, you used to be cool.

#18. Pan's Labrinth
Sub-titled smart horror. Will fuck with the head, badly.

#17. Night Of The Living Dead.
SIngle-handedly changed zombie films, until it's sequel came out...

#16. Night OF The Demons
Good fun. Remade with Edward Furlong. Which is always a plus. Awesome under-rated films.

#15. The Thing
John Carpentor's greatest horror. Alien in Antartica. Wat you gonna do? BURN IT THE FUCK UP!

#14. Christine
Best of the ultra-rare demon car films.

#13. The Hills Have Eyes
Pluto and Jupiter will take on whole new meanings after viewing the original of this.

#12. The Howling
Best werewolf film out there. Okay, not better then An American Werewolf in London. But I like it better so fuck off, make your own damn list.

#11. Cannibal Ferox
It misses out on the top ten, because I said so. But still fucking awesome flick.

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