Sunday, March 27, 2011

Top 100 list (89-80)

#89. I Eat Your Flesh
Rabid Cult Hippies! Hippies die! Awesome!

#88. Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3
One of the rare sequels that's actually good. Find it, and give it a go.

#87. Pig Farm Massacre (Slaughterhouse)
A good old 80's horror gem. Hard to find nowadays, but if you do, your in for a treat.

#86. Funny Games
The german version is much better than the english one, but they both are amazing films. Not really horror per say, but creepy enough to include it.

#85. Cabin Fever
Another Eli ROth film. You see that kid from Boy Meets World die!

#84. Gothika
Under-rated. It's a mind fuck and definitly worth checking out.

#83. Signs
The movie is awesome. The ending sucks.

#82. House By THe Cemetary
Fucking classic film. FInd it now, get your ass of the computer and go watch it. I mean it.

#81. Bloody Murder
Bad bad ripoff of Friday The 13th (down to the hockey-masked madman), but it's low-budget gory fun. The sequel was pretty much the same exact thing. Definitly good.

#80. Terror Toons
Funny but at the same time, disturbing. Cartoons that come to life and murder you. Low-budget fun.

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